
Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Getting In The Holiday Spirit

Well, here we are
getting ready for the holidays --

I, Squeak, thought I'd be Santa,
but Pişi insisted upon being

a reindeer.

However, we've come up with a little problem:

she's refusing to deliver packages.

So as long as she is driving the sleigh,
you'll all be getting your packages much later --

don't worry,
they'll arrive, 
but maybe sometime around Easter.

If we're lucky,
she won't decide she wants to be
The Bunny.

Ground Floor, Please.

our friend over at Arbroath
posted this:

which we thought was pretty cool. 

But then we found someone who did it even better:

Either way, we want one!

Happy Solstice from

Pişi and Squeak

Monday, December 12, 2011

We're Just Settling Down For a Long Winter's Nap . . .

.  . . when suddenly, we're awakened by a light
and a Human
who looks more than vaguely familiar!

Why, it's our Big Two Legged One,
and she has quite an expression of relief --

It appears that she, too, is ready to settle down
and relax
for a long winter's rest!  

And she might very well be spending more time with us!

What joy what bliss,

(but Pişi still is thinking she might bite her on occasion . . . )

Looking forward to sharing the holidays 
with our friends in BlogLand!

love from

Pişi and Squeak!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Squeak's latest 'do

Well, here we are folks.
Our appearances have been few and far between,
but it does appear,
that even with all her rushing around,
the Big Two Legged One had time to do it again:
she took Squeak to get another haircut.

It always freaks me, (Pişi) out
when she does that.

It's not a very good haircut, but the Squeaker seems to like it.

Here she is:

She's got a little belly, doesn't she?

Hope everyone's having a great week!

with love
from Pişi
and Squeak